<p>360º personalised care to improve health outcomes for NHS cancer patients and reduce healthcare utilisation</p>
<p>360º personalised care to improve health outcomes for NHS cancer patients and reduce healthcare utilisation</p>

360º personalised care to improve health outcomes for NHS cancer patients and reduce healthcare utilisation

The problem

Cancer costs the NHS an
avoidable £1Bn every year

Due to workforce and capacity constraints, only 10% of patients have access to prehab to help them recover better.

The cost of setting up at in-person service is very expensive – c£1m for every 1,000 patients.

This means many patients are unable to access the support they require. Not only does this increase the risk of complications, but it increases the cost of healthcare utilisation.

How Alvie helps

Alvie is a cost effective, integrated solution
to help your patients recover better

Our digital-first, modular approach to personalised care allows us to offer a cost effective solution vs face-to-face, in-hospital services.

We can reach 90%+ of your cancer population, no matter what the diagnosis, treatment pathway or intent.

Alvie 360
How do we help people recover better?

Alvie 360 is a health coaching programme that lasts up to 10 weeks.

Using real data and regular coach check-ins, we build and refine a risk-stratified and 360° – physical and psychological – individual health profile.

This allows us to actively identify and manage risks before they escalate, hyper-personalise the coaching recommendations, offer consistent encouragement and motivation, safely monitor progress and intervene with expert clinical support as required.

Alvie 360 - How do we help people recover better? Alvie 360 - How do we help people recover better?

Our work to date with the NHS

Our work to date with the NHS

Over 1,000 patients supported across 5 Cancer Alliances and 14 NHS trusts

Our work to date with the NHS

17 tumour sites

Our work to date with the NHS

All treatment pathways (e.g. surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy) and intent (curative, palliative)

Our work to date with the NHS

30% patients supported via non-app pathway (for non-smartphone users)

Our work to date with the NHS

Wearables provided (where patient had no smartphone / wearable)

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From the outset, the Alvie team have been remarkable to work with. Their understanding of the difficulties of introducing innovative systems into an already overloaded health system is exceptional. They instinctively knew the right level of support our system required and helped us develop a tailored approach to suit the needs of our patients

Karen Dowsing, Transformation Lead Cancer Services

Benefits for the NHS of working with Alvie

Alvie is aligned with a number of local Trust strategic
objectives and the NHS Long Term Plan



Alvie can provide a truly personalised care solution for 90% of your cancer population across surgery and / or oncology pathways

Needs-based support

Needs-based support

We’ll help you complete eHNAs and use our health profiling to deliver risk- stratified support to everyone

Shared decision making

Shared decision making

We work with patients to ensure they are in control and work towards self- management

Quality of life

Quality of life

Our programme has proven to materially improve Quality of Life outcomes for Cancer patients by +23%

Equity of access

Equity of access

Access to under-served demographics can be achieved as Alvie is delivered remotely via digital channels

Net zero

Net zero

Our digital-first solution contributes to the NHS carbon neutral agenda

Our partnership principles

Our aim is for a simple and seamless integration with your existing teams and services

Dedicated team

Dedicated team

We have the capacity to scale up or down depending on demand. A specific team will be allocated to you for an integrated experience

Complement not replace

Complement not replace

We will become “part of your toolkit” and sign-post back into existing Trust or community services as required

No duplication of effort

No duplication of effort

We can integrate your HNAs into our health profiling and risk- stratification process

Clinically safe

Clinically safe

We have a full team of qualified AHPs who provide clinical oversight to our coaching programme and ensure patient safety

Data compliant

Data compliant

We have all of the requisite certifications to be fully data compliant including cyber-essentials plus, DSPT and DTAC 

Easy referral process

Easy referral process

Where we can we will link into existing systems and / or provide on the ground support to you and your teams to refer patients to Alvie

Patient story

We are proud of how we have helped over 1,000 patients recover better

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During my treatment, only a few individuals showed genuine concern for my wellbeing. Most were interested in knowing about my symptoms, side-effects and scheduling appointments for scans and treatment. Don’t get me wrong, this is important, of course it is, but as an individual I felt emotionally numb. It seemed as though I was being processed, Iosing control and struggling to find a way through.

At times, I would sugarcoat my experience for others. I didn't want to burden them or dampen their spirits. Unfortunately, this only worsened my feelings of isolation and loss.

When I met Alvie, I felt supported. I had a personal coach who guided me towards specific goals and provided a structured approach that was really helpful. She reassured me, saying it’s ok to try again when you feel you can do it and not to be too hard on myself if I stumble. The whole programme has helped me. They provided what I needed, when I needed it.

By dedicating a little time each day and focusing on these aspects, I know I'm heading in the right direction. Yes, I have become more physically active, and my eating habits have improved. But it’s more than that. They helped me feel like me again

Ida, 65
Practice manager

The financial case for making Alvie part of your personalised care toolkit

Alvie is significantly lower cost than building an in-hospital prehab service which typically costs c£1m for every 1,000 patients.

And we deliver demonstrable costs savings through improved healthcare utilisation on average £1,263 per patient. This creates a compelling ROI.

Oncology Pathway Surgery Pathway

Our peer reviewed clinical research in cancer care

Peri-habilitation / pæɾi-həˌbɪlɪˈteɪʃən is the care of patients before, during and after treatment.

It provides people with a physical and psychological buffer to withstand the effects of treatment, help them recover better and lower the costs of healthcare utilisation.

Peri-habilitation Graph

Rest assured with an
accredited service